Cover of From Malin Head to Mizen Head: A Journey Around The Sea Area Forecast by Joanna Donnelly
From Malin Head to Mizen Head: A Journey Around The Sea Area Forecast
Joanna Donnelly
Finished: March 12, 2024
Rating: ★★★

A perfect read for a rainy Sunday. Donnelly visits all the points of the Sea Area Forecast and talks about the weather. I kind of wish she’d used the framing device a little better – she’d visit a place, if there was a lighthouse, she’d mention it, if there was a local wreck, she’d talk about that. And then she’d transition into talking about anticyclones and high pressure ridges. So the end result is neither fish nor fowl. If it’s a travelogue, it doesn’t really give you a sense of any of the places she visited. And if it’s a technical explainer about the weather, her previous The Great Irish Weather Book was much more accessible and fun.

But still, like I said, it’s a lovely short book to curl up with when the rain is pelting down outside.