The internet is not your savior

I just think that the internet has been sold to us as our savior. As a means to create a new economy, as our spiritual salvation, whatever. Everything is supposed to be bigger and better online. But what I think people have lost sight of — and I don’t think the internet has done a good job of self-evaluation in this respect — is the massive shift between the brave new internet world of the late ’90s and now. Its early philosophy seemed to be one where everyone was an individual whose opinions were respected. A decade later, everything is corporate-owned, advertising is incessant, and the diverse opinions of internet commentary are often shouted down. Now there’s much more online groupthink.

DJ Shadow: The Internet Is Not Your Savior -

Che Guevara of Power Eating

In person, Kobayashi is sweet, like a curious kid — unfailingly polite, charming and humble, with no brashness or other signs of rampaging ego. But he is hard on himself. He locks himself away performing dangerous feats because it is all he knows to do. He was the milk-drinking champ in school, the stew-eating champ in college, the winner of the biggest eating contest in Japan, then the Nathan’s champ. Until he wasn’t.

“Are you the Che Guevara of gurgitation or the Kenny Powers of power eating?” I asked him.

He paused, then laughed: “I am both!”

The Lonesome Independence Day Of Kobayashi, Eater In Exile

Go the F**k to sleep

Imagine if this were written about Jews, blacks, Muslims or Latinos

CNN doesn’t ‘get’ Go the F**k to Sleep

Facebook on Friendship

Facebook runs on a very stiff, crude model of what people are like. It herds everybody — friends, co-workers, romantic partners, that guy who lived on your block but moved away after fifth grade — into the same big room. It smooshes together your work self and your home self, your past self and your present self, into a single generic extruded product. It suspends the natural process by which old friends fall away over time, allowing them to build up endlessly, producing the social equivalent of liver failure. On Facebook, there is one kind of relationship: friendship, and you have it with everybody. You’re friends with your spouse, and you’re friends with your plumber.
– profile of Mark Zuckerberg, their person of the year 2010

Thinking Different

This is worth repeating. It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology is not enough. It’s tech married with the liberal arts and the humanities. Nowhere is that more true than in the post-PC products. Our competitors are looking at this like it’s the next PC market. That is not the right approach to this. These are post-PC devices that need to be easier to use than a PC. More intuitive.

Steve Jobs, announcing the iPad 2

Amazing Life

Here we have the man who invented the personal computer, then the laptop. He’s now destroying them. That is an amazing life.

Rupert Murdoch on Steve Jobs

Pixar has us right where they want us

Pixar is bulletproof, assholes. We can put out any old piece of shit that perfectly examines universal themes of love and friendship and just walk away with record box-office numbers. In fact, I think I’ll have my award-winning design team get cracking on an anthropomorphic piece of shit right now. Yes. Shit. I’m talking actual human feces here, folks. We’ll give it eyes and limbs, and—I don’t know—call it Danny Caca. Brad Bird can make a story about how it got lost on its way to the sewage treatment facility. Its best friends are a used sewage-logged tampon and a hypodermic needle. Then we’ll just sit back and watch the receipts come in.

Yeah, it’ll have heart and depth, but still, it’s going to be a talking piece of shit. Kids won’t flush for years because of it.

John Lasseter - I’ve Got You Dumb Motherfuckers Eating Right Out Of My Hand

Perfect Analogy

Here are some pictures of the property. I can’t comment on what this property should actually go for as I’m a 21-year-old recent graduate and owning property to me is a bit like owning a zeppelin. It’s something people did in the past that seems crazy today and it eventually blew up in their faces.

Dalkey house valued at €6.2m in 2007 has finally sold for €1.4m - Newswhip


The slowness of genius is hard to bear, but the slowness of mediocrity is intolerable

– Henry Thomas Buckle, after his chess opponent took so long to finish a move that Buckle had time to write two chapters of a book on the history of civilisation. Buckle won the game.

I'm Comic Sans, Asshole

Listen up. I know the shit you've been saying behind my back. You think I'm stupid. You think I'm immature. You think I'm a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font. Well think again, nerdhole, because I'm Comic Sans, and I'm the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg.

I’m Comic Sans, asshole