Steve Jobs on a Park Bench


Yet another rare and touching photo of a contemplative Steve Jobs on a park bench in Palo Alto. The photo was taken by Ryan Katsanes in 2007.

(via Edible Apple)

Fan-designed Criterion Cover for Exorcist III


“I have dreams of a rose, and a long flight of stairs. Incidentally, who is this Damien you speak of?”

If I could have one wish, it would be that Blatty got the chance to assemble his original cut of Legion, the way he envisioned it before studio meddling turned it into The Exorcist III. Despite the final versions flaws, it’s still one of my favorite movies.

It might be a hot mess, but Exorcist III is still one of the most terrifically creepy movies I’ve ever seen. It gets under your skin and stays there. There are scenes – single shots, even – that still manage to give me shivers when I think of them. It’s criminally underrated/overlooked as a horror film.

This is a much better cover than the nonsense they ended up going with.

Dean Martin - A Winter Romance

Dean Martin: Total mutt.

Although, you just know he boned both of those girls. And probably that girl in the background too.

Yes, I’ve started listening to Christmas songs. And this weekend I fully intend to watch Scrooged and maybe Elf. And there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me.

Penis Size Across Europe

As an Irishman, I just want to say thank fuck for Romania.

Art won't save the world

Leonardo di Caprio as Jay Gatsby

Jeez, Leo’s starting to look old.

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Unicorn

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Unicorn (by Avanaut)

Book Igloo





Jimmy, give us Blue Steel

(via The Daily What)

When Sci-Fi Worlds Collide

(via awesomepeoplehangingouttogether)