24 Hours Of Horror With Edgar Wright »

Now this is a heck of a marathon.

This weekend was the annual Horrorthon here in Dublin which seems to have lost some of its momentum in the past few yeard. A lot of its programme had me scratching my head and thinking “Is that really a horror film?” (e.g. Play Misty for Me or Akira). As a result, I’ve found myself weighing up the films I’d actually be interested in seeing and the films I couldn’t be bothered with and decided that – guest appearance by Michael Biehn not withstanding – it just wasn’t worth my time.

Edgar Wright’s list might be a bit obvious in places, but I’d be first in line at that marathon.

The Madness of Mission 6

The Madness of Mission 6: Making up Histories for Pixels

This image is from a threadless t-shirt, retconning a story onto Pac-Man. I love it. It reminds me of the amazing covers for 8-bit games that bore almost no relation to the actual game1, but were just there to set the mood and provide the tiniest bit of context for the gameplay.

  1. The Atari 2600 game Adventure is the perfect example of this. The cover is beautifully illustrated, charming and evocative. It’s like an illustration you’d find in a weird old German edition of The Hobbit. In the actual game, you play a fucking square↩︎

Diablo Cody's Red Band Trailer

I would love to know who thought it would be a good idea to give Diablo Cody an interview show. I’m sure she has many talents, but being a good interviewer is not one of them.

Having said that, you should skip to 13:45 for one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

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Minecraft - Weeping Angels mod


Update 2024: If there was a story behind this picture, I have long since forgotten it

What the fuck? You call these cuffs?

Michael Wee Higgins »

Some of these are better than others, but they all made me laugh.

Especially the bus one. Holy shit.

Hyperbole and a Half: Adventures in Depression »


Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters

Trailer for Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters, a documentary which looks like a perfect mix of King of Kong and The Wizard.

L-Studio - The Desk »

Since moving home and doing all my work on an easy chair, I’ve started to fetishize desks. This short video is all about the importance of a desk and what it says about the person who uses it. It’s not helping at all.